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Assisted Skipper Passages

If you are working towards your Yachtmaster qualification or want to build confidence in the role of skipper then this is a course worth considering. The planning and routing of the passage(s) will be completed by you, with the support of a professional skipper.

Once lines are slipped, you will be encouraged to think in terms of a Master in command at sea opposed to that of a crew member. You will be encouraged to think about the wellbeing of the crew, when do they eat or sleep? Are things being kept tidy? These domestic decisions can be just as important as what sail plan to use, when to tack or what watches to run.

This is a great opportunity to take things towards the next level when not quite having the confidence or being ready to skipper a yacht and crew on your own.

First Mate Training

Taking the step from being a straight forward crew member (if any such thing exists) to being the second in command can be quite daunting. Perhaps only having sailed with close family, the opportunity to develop your skills and needs has not arisen.

This course is designed to develop your skills and confidence as you learn first hand what being the ‘Mate’ is all about. You will be running a watch, whilst safe in the knowledge that there is a professional skipper moments away to provide pointers and advice when you want or need it.

We want you to get absolutely everything you can from the experience. Hey, we may even be looking to recruit you to become involved with our events!